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Animal Instinct | The Cranberries (1)

Suddenly something has happened to me
Tiba-tiba terjadi sesuatu padaku
As I was having my cup of tea
Saat ku seruput secangkir tehku
Suddenly I was feeling depressed
Tiba-tiba kumerasa tertekan
I was utterly and totally stressed
Aku benar-benar tertekan
Do you know you made me cry
Tahukah kau tlah buatku menangis
Do you know you made me die
Tahukah kau tlah buatku mati

And the thing that gets to me
Dan yang kupahami
Is you'll never really see
Kau takkan pernah mengerti
And the thing that freaks me out
Dan yang menakutkanku
Is I'll always be in doubt
Aku kan selalu ragu
It is a lovely thing that we have
Ini hal indah yang kita alami
It is a lovely thing that we
Ini hal indah yang kita
It is a lovely thing, the animal
Ini hal indah, naluri
The animal instinct
Naluri hewani

ke bait selanjutnya>>

Labels: The Cranberries, Translation

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