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Look What You've Done | JET (1)

Take my photo off the wall
Lepaskan fotoku dari dinding
If it just won't sing for you
Jika ia tak mau lagi bersenandung untukmu
'Cause all that's left has gone away
Karna semuanya telah hilang tak tersisa
And there's nothing there for you to prove
Dan kau tak perlu membuktikan apa-apa lagi

Oh, look what you've done
Oh, lihat apa yang telah kau lakukan
You've made a fool of everyone
Kau telah menipu semua orang
Oh well, it seems likes such fun
Oh memang, tampaknya menyenangkan
Until you lose what you had won
Hingga kau kehilangan apa yang tlah kau miliki

Give me back my point of view
Kembalikan sudut pandangku
'Cause I just can't think for you
Karna aku tak mau lagi memikirkanmu
I can hardly hear you say
Tak bisa kudengar perkataanmu
What should I do, well you choose
Apa yang harus kulakukan, pilihlah

Oh, look what you've done
Oh, lihat apa yang telah kau lakukan
You've made a fool of everyone
Kau telah menipu semua orang
Oh well, it seems likes such fun
Oh memang, itu tampak menyenangkan
Until you lose what you had won
Hingga kau kehilangan apa yang tlah kau miliki


Labels: JET, Translation

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9 comments on Look What You've Done | JET (1)

  1. Lagu jaman smp, sekaramg dah zemester 1 aja, wkw cuma ingat reffmya doang, psdahal dulu apal😂

  2. Lagu waktu smp, batu dengar lgi sekarang. Terbaiklahh😍

  3. Give me back my point of you cause I just can't think for you
    I can't hardly hear you say what should I do, Well you choose.... Berat


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