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A New Day Has Come | Celine Dion

A new day...
Hari baru...
A new day...
Hari baru...

I was waiting for so long
Aku tlah lama menunggu
For a miracle to come
Datangnya keajaiban
Everyone told me to be strong
Semua menasehatiku tuk tabah
Hold on and don't shed a tear
Bertahan dan jangan teteskan airmata
Through the darkness and good times
Lewati saat-saat suram dan saat bahagia
I knew I'd make it through
Aku tahu kan lewati semua ini
And the world thought I had it all
Dan dunia berpikir aku tlah usai
But I was waiting for you
Tapi aku menunggumu

Hush, now
I see a light in the sky
Kulihat cahaya di langit
Oh, it's almost blinding me
cahaya itu hampir membutakanku
I can't believe
Tak dapat kupercaya
I've been touched by an angel with love
Malaikat tlah menyentuhku dengan cinta

Let the rain come down and wash away my tears
Biarkan hujan turun dan menghapus airmataku
Let it fill my soul and drown my fears
Biarkan ia mengisi jiwaku dan hanyutkan ketakutanku
Let it shatter the walls for a new sun...
Biarkan ia mengguncang dinding agar mentari datang
A new day has come
Hari baru tlah tiba

Where it was dark now there's light
Dimana ada gelap, akan datang cahaya
Where there was pain now there's joy
Dimana ada nestapa, akan datang bahagia
Where there was weakness, I found my strength
Dimana kurasakan lemah, kutemukan kekuatanku
All in the eyes of a boy
Semuanya ada di mata seorang anak lelaki



Ohhh, a light
Ohhh, cahaya

Hush, now

I see a light in your eyes
Kulihat cahaya di matamu
All in the eyes of a boy
Semuanya ada di mata seorang anak lelaki

I can't believe
Tak bisa kupercaya
I've been touched by an angel with love
Malaikat tlah menyentuhku dengan cinta

Hush, now
Hush, kini

Labels: A, CELINE DION, Translation

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17 comments on A New Day Has Come | Celine Dion

  1. Wooowww...Kereeen....
    Makasih yaa

  2. Where there was weakness, I found my strength...... sipp....lgsg tak buat status d bbm....mksh

  3. Hush.. NOW!! Not "LOVE" #correct

  4. Lagu ini udah 12thn lalu keluarnya. Kok baru skrg dikagumi lagi ???

  5. lagu penyemangat jiwa :)

  6. Kayaknya isi lagu ini tentang isi hati Celine Dion sendiri yang menanti kelahiran anak pertamanya. Soalnya dia cukup lama baru bisa punya anak.

  7. remind me the amazing decade of 80s

  8. Go go go, the nice music .
    I like it

  9. Go go go, the nice music .
    I like it


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