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Love For A Child | Jason Mraz

There's a picture on my kitchen wall
Tergantung gambar di dinding dapurku

Looks like Jesus and his friends involved
Sepertinya Yesus dan murid-muridnya

There's a party getting started in the yard
Sebuah pesta sedang dimulai di pekarangan

There's a couple getting steamy in the car parked in the drive
Sepasang kekasih sedang bermesraan di mobil yang terparkir di jalan pribadi

Was I too young to see this with my eyes?
Apakah aku terlalu muda tuk melihat ini dengan mataku?

By the pool last night, apparently
Kemarin malam di tepi kolam renang, tampaknya

The chemicals weren't mixed properly
Kimia bercampur dengan seyogyanya

You hit your head and then forgot your name
Kau benturkan kepalamu dan lalu kau lupa namamu

And then you woke up at the bottom by the drain
Lalu kau bangun dari dasar selokan

And now your attitude and memory's a shame
Dan kini ketinggian dan kenanganmu adalah aib

What about taking this empty cup and filling it up
Bagaimana jika kuambil cangkir kosong ini dan mengisinya

With a little bit more of innocence
Dengan sedikit kepolosan

I haven't had enough, it's probably because when you're young
Aku belum jenuh, mungkin karena saat kau masih belia

It's okay to be easily ignored
Tak mengapa diabaikan dengan mudahnya

I like to believe it was all about love for a child
Aku suka meyakini bahwa semua itu tentang  cinta untuk seorang anak

And when the house was left in shambles
Dan saat rumahnya ditinggalkan dengan menyeret kaki

Who was there to handle all the broken bits of glass
Siapa yang kan tangani semua serpihan pecahan gelas itu

Was it mom who put my dad out on his ass or the other way around
Apakah ibu yang mengusir ayahku atau sebaliknya

Well I'm far too old to care about that now
Aku kini terlalu tua 'tuk pedulikan semua ini


It's kinda nice to work the floor since the divorce
Rasanya menyenangkan tuk mengepel lantai setelah perceraian itu

I've been enjoying both my Christmases and my birthday cakes
Aku selalu menikmati natal dan kue ulang tahunku

And taking drugs and making love at far too young an age
Dan ngobat serta bercinta di usia terlalu muda

And they never check to see my grades
Dan mereka tak pernah memeriksa nilaiku

What a fool I'd be to start complaining now
Betapa bodohnya diriku jika kini aku mulai mengeluh


It was all about love...
Semua itu tentang cinta...

Labels: Jason Mraz, L, Translation

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