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A Shoulder To Cry On | Tommy Page

A Shoulder To Cry On - Tommy Page | Terjemahan Lirik Lagu Barat

Life is full of lots of up and downs
Hidup ini penuh suka duka

But the distance feels further
Tapi jarak kan terasa kian jauh

When it's headed for the ground
Saat hidup ini meluncur jatuh

And there's nothing more painful
Dan tak ada yang lebih menyakitkan

Than to let your feelings take you down
Daripada membiarkan perasaanmu membuatmu jatuh

It's so hard to know the way you feel inside
Sungguh sulit dimengerti yang kau rasakan di hati

When there's many thoughts and feelings that you hide
Saat begitu banyak pikiran dan perasaan yang kau sembunyikan

But you might feel better
Tapi mungkin kau kan merasa baikan

If you let me walk with you by your side
Jika kau biarkan aku menemanimu berjalan di sisimu

And when you need a shoulder to cry on
Dan saat kau butuh bahu tuk sandaran tangismu

When you need a friend to rely on
Saat kau butuh teman yang bisa kau percaya

When the whole world is gone
Saat seluruh dunia tiada

You won't be alone 'cause I'll be there
Kau takkan sendiri karena aku kan selalu ada

I'll be your shoulder to cry on
Aku kan jadi bahu tuk sandaran tangismu

I'll be there, I'll be your friend to rely on
Aku kan selalu ada, aku kan jadi teman yang bisa kau percaya

When the whole world's gone
Saat seluruh dunia tiada

You won't be alone 'cause I'll be there
Kau takkan sendiri karena aku kan selalu ada

All of the times when everything is wrong
Tiap kali segalanya terasa salah

And you're feeling like there's no use going on
Dan kau merasa seakan tak ada gunanya bertahan

You can't give it up, I'll help you work it out
Janganlah kau menyerah, aku kan membantumu mengatasinya

And carry on
Dan bertahan

Side by side with you till the end
Menemanimu hingga akhir waktu

I'll always be the one to firmly hold your hand
Aku kan selalu menggenggam erat tanganmu

No matter what is said or done
Tak peduli apa kata orang

Our love will always continue on
Cinta kita kan selalu bertahan

Everyone needs a shoulder to cry on
Semua orang butuh bahu tuk sandaran tangis

Everyone needs a friend to rely on
Semua orang butuh teman yang bisa dipercaya

When the whole world is gone
Saat seluruh dunia tiada

You won't be alone 'cause I'll be there
Kau takkan sendiri karena aku kan selalu ada

I'll be your shoulder to cry on
Aku kan jadi bahu tuk sandaran tangismu

I'll be there, I'll be your friend to rely on
Aku kan selalu ada, aku kan jadi teman yang bisa kau percaya

When the whole world's gone
Saat seluruh dunia tiada

You won't be alone 'cause I'll be there
Kau takkan sendiri karena aku kan selalu ada

You'll have my shoulder to cry on
Ada bahuku tuk sandaran tangismu

I'll be there, I'll be the one to rely on
Aku kan selalu ada, aku kan jadi orang yang bisa kau percaya

When the whole world's gone
Saat seluruh dunia tiada

You won't be alone 'cause I'll be there
Kau takkan sendiri karena aku kan selalu ada

And when the whole world's gone
Dan saat seluruh dunia tiada

You'll always have my shoulder to cry on
Kan selalu ada bahuku tuk sandaran tangismu

Labels: A, Tommy Page, Translation

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24 comments on A Shoulder To Cry On | Tommy Page

  1. I love this song

  2. Everyone needs a shoulder to cry on

  3. Romantic song,thanks terjemahanya.....

  4. You can't give it up,
    I'll help you work it out
    and carry on
    Side by side with you till the end~ ;;)


  5. Mengingatkan IWN di Bontang.
    "You won't be alone 'cause I'll be there.."

  6. I love you Tommy Page 😣

  7. Lagu kesukaan papa ku ternyata artinya dalam 😭

  8. Mesa'ke Tomy Page..enome dielem elem soale ngganteng terkenal tuone ra payu ra kuat tekanan urip akhire bunuh diri

  9. I'll be u'r shoulder to cry on

    Dedicated to my wife 02.05.77 - 20.12.20

    Our love will always contunue on

  10. I'll be your friend to rely on....

    Ya Allah...lagu jaman SD masih melekat jelas in my mind.... at first like English but now udah sunnah.^^


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