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Here With Me | The Killers

Here With Me - The Killers | Terjemahan Lirik Lagu Barat

Wheels are turning; I remember when you were mine
Roda berputar; teringatku saat dulu kau masih kekasihku

Now just to reach you, baby I'd stand in line
Kini untuk sekedar menghubungimu, kasih, aku harus mengantri

But there's another world you're living in tonight
Tapi ada dunia lain yang tinggali malam ini

And there's another heart that's fading in the light
Dan ada hati lain yang pudar dalam cahaya

Don't want your picture on my cell phone
(Ku) tak ingin fotomu di ponselku

I want you here with me
Kuingin kau di sini bersamaku

Don't want your memory in my head, no
(Ku) tak ingin kenangan tentangmu di kepalaku

I want you here with me
Kuingin kau di sini bersamaku

Spent the summer just laying out in the sun
Kulewatkan musim panas hanya berjemur

Time seems to move so slowly
Waktu serasa begitu pelan berputar

When you're taking it as it comes
Saat kau kan menerimanya saat semua terjadi

Maybe we were just too young
Mungkin dulu kita masih terlalu muda

Your body was tan and your hair was long
Tubuhmu kecoklatan dan rambutmu panjang

You shot me a smile and my cares were gone
Kau berkaskan senyum padaku dan rasa cemasku hilang

When falling in love filled my soul with fright
Saat jatuh cinta penuhi jiwaku dengan ketakutan

You said, Come on baby, it'll be all right
Kau bilang, ayolah kasih, semua kan baik-baik saja

I must've been a fool to the bitter end
Pastilah selama ini aku bagai orang tolol

Now I hold on to hope to have you back again
Kini kuberharap kau kan kembali lagi

I'd bargain and I'd fight
Kan kutawar dan kan kuperjuangkan

But there's another world you're living in tonight
Tapi ada dunia lain yang kau tinggali malam ini

Back to II

Well, I saw you in a restaurant, the other day
Kulihat kau di sebuah restoran, kemarin

And instead of walking towards you, I ran away
Dan bukannya berjalan ke arahmu, aku justru menjauh

(Ran away)

And I'll keep on waiting for you
Dan aku kan terus menantimu

For you to come around, come around and say:
Menantimu hadir, hadir dan berkata:

Back to II

Ohhhhh Ohhhhhhohhhhohhh
(Here with me)
(Di sini bersamaku)

Ooooohhhhh ohhhhhhhhhh
Ohhhhh Ohhhhhhohhhhohhh
(Here with me)
(Di sini bersamaku)

Labels: H, The Killers, Translation

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