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Beating Heart | Ellie Goulding

Beating Heart - Ellie Goulding | Terjemahan Lirik Lagu Barat

Eyes make their peace in difficulties
Mata berdamai dalam kesulitan

With wounded lips and salted cheeks
Dengan bibir terluka dan pipi penuh linang air mata

And finally we step to leave
Dan akhirnya kita melangkah pergi

To the departure lounge of disbelief
Ke ruang duduk keberangkatan ketidakpercayaan

And I don't know where I'm going
Dan aku tak tahu mau kemana

But I know it's gonna be a long time
Tapi kutahu ini kan lama

And I'll be leaving in the morning
Dan aku kan pergi esok pagi

Come the white wine bitter sunlight
Datanglah sinar mentari getir anggur putih

Wanna hear your beating heart tonight
Ingin kudengar hatimu yang masih berdetak malam ini

Before the bleeding sun comes alive
Sebelum mentari yang terluka mulai hidup

I want to make the best of what is left hold tight
Ingin kulakukan yang terbaik dari apa yang tersisa yang bisa didekap

And hear my beating heart one last time before daylight
Dan mendengar hatiku yang masih berdetak terakhir kali sebelum siang menjelang

And the canyon underneath the trees
Dan ngarai di bawah pepohonan

Behind the dark sky you look at me
Di balik langit hitam kau menatapku

I fell for you like autumn leaves
Aku jatuh hati padamu bak dedaunan musim gugur

Never faded evergreen
Tak pernah pudar, lestari selamanya

Back to II, III

I can't face this now everything has changed
Tak bisa kuhadapi ini, kini segalanya tlah berubah

I just wanna be by your side
Aku hanya inin berada di sisimu

Here's hoping we collide
Di sini berharap kita bertemu

Here's hoping we collide
Di sini berharap kita bertemu

Here's hoping we collide
Di sini berharap kita bertemu

Back to III

Labels: B, Ellie Goulding, Translation

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16 comments on Beating Heart | Ellie Goulding

  1. suka banget, apa lagi jadi soundtracknya film divergent

  2. Suka banget. :( DIVERGENT!

  3. Different and nice song

  4. I do LOVE this Romance song,, since I watched the Movie. So touchy, right :) all feeling become one... Theo James.. LOVE YOU <3

  5. Selalu merinding dengerin nih lagu wkwk

  6. im come from divergent cause i love the my husband the james :*

  7. theo james im fallin in love with u

  8. Divergent and beating heart loveee


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