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Bright Lights | 30 Seconds To Mars

Bright Lights - 30 Seconds To Mars | Terjemahan Lirik Lagu Barat

I've been dreaming of things yet to come
Selama ini kuimpikan hal-hal yang belum terjadi

Living, learning, watching, burning
Hidup, belajar, saksikan, terbakar

Eyes on the sun
Menatap matahari

I'm leaving, gone yesterday
Aku kan pergi, tlah pergi kemarin

Brutal, laughing, fighting, fucking
Brutal, tertawa, bertengkar, bercinta

The price I had to pay
Harga yang harus kubayar

Bright lights, big city
Lampu-lampu terang, kota besar

She dreams of love
Dia memimpikan cinta

Brights lights, big city
Lampu-lampu terang, kota besar

He lives to run
Dia hidup tuk berlari

Demon, where did my angel go
Iblis, kemana perginya bidadariku

Vacant, vapid, stupid, perfect
Kosong, hambar, bodoh, sempurna

You are the one
Kaulah orangnya

A new day, a new age, a new face, a new lay
Hari baru, era baru, wajah baru, syair baru

A new love, a new drug, a new me, a new you
Cinta baru, obat baru, diriku yang baru, dirimu yang baru

Back to III

oh oohoh ooh wooa oh ooh oh ooh wooa
oh oohoh ooh wooa oh ooh oh ooh wooa wooaaa !
(to run.. to run... to run..)
(tuk berlari... tuk berlari... tuk berlari..)

I forgive

Had enough

Time to live
Saatnya hidup

Time to love
Saatnya mencinta

Time to live
Saatnya hidup

Time to love
Saatnya mencinta

Time to live
Saatnya hidup

Time to love
Saatnya mencinta

Back to V, VII, III

Labels: 30 Seconds To Mars, B, Translation

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10 comments on Bright Lights | 30 Seconds To Mars

  1. saya suka lagu ini, terimakasih ayat terjemahanya

  2. Enak tp ada unsur memuja iblis nya :( Demon, terakhirnya you are the one. Demon you are the one. Hfftttt

  3. waw sangat keren gan
    Spam Detected! Link aktif otomatis terhapus!!!

  4. Thank you for nice information.

  5. aku ra ngerti mas, nek bisa translate jowo hehee

  6. Bagiku nyanyi lagu luar bisa juga pake lirik jowo


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