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Are You Happy Now? | Michelle Branch

Are You Happy Now? - Michelle Branch | Terjemahan Lirik Lagu Barat


Don't just walk away
Jangan pergi begitu saja

Pretending everythings okay and you don't care about me
Berlagak segalanya baik-baik saja dan kau tak peduli denganku

And I know it's just no use
Dan aku tahu ini tak ada gunanya

When all your lies become your truths and I don't care
Saat semua dustamu menjadi kebenaranmu dan aku tak peduli

Could you look me in the eye?
Mampukah kau tatap mataku?

And tell me that you're happy now
Dan bilang bahwa sekarang kau bahagia

Would you tell it to my face
Maukah kau mengatakannya di hadapanku?

Have I been erased
Sudahkah kau menghapusku

Are you happy now?
Bahagiakah kau kini?

Are you happy now?
Bahagiakah kau kini?

You took all there was to take
Tlah kau ambil semua yang bisa diambil

And left me with an empty plate
Dan meninggalkan piring kosong untukku

And you don't care about it
Dan kau tak peduli dengan itu

And I am giving up this game
Dan aku kan berhenti mainkan permainan ini

And leaving you with all the blame
Dan kubiarkan kau disalahkan

Cause I don't care
Karena aku tak peduli

Back to II

Are you happy now?
Bahagiakah kau kini?

Do you really have everything you want?
Apakah kau benar-benar miliki yang kau inginkan?

You could never give something you ain't got
Kau tak pernah bisa memberi sesuatu yang tak kau miliki

You can't run away from yourself
Kau tak bisa lari dari dirimu sendiri

Back to II

Would you look me in the eye?
Maukah kau tatap mataku?

Could you look me in the eye?
Mampukah kau tatap mataku?

I've had all that I can take
Tlah kumiliki yang bisa kuambil

I'm not about to break
Aku takkan hancur

Are you happy now?
Bahagiakah kau kini?

Are you happy now?
Bahagiakah kau kini?

Labels: A, Michelle Branch, Translation

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