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Alone Together | Fall Out Boy

Alone Together - Fall Out Boy | Terjemahan Lirik Lagu Barat

I don't know where you're going
Aku tak tahu hendak kemana dirimu

But do you get room for one more troubled soul?
Tapi adakah ruang untuk satu lagi jiwa yang kalut?

I don't know where I'm going
Aku tak tahu hendak kemana diriku

But I don't think I'm coming home and I'll say
Tapi kupikir aku takkan pulang dan aku kan berkata

"I'll check in tomorrow if I don't wake up dead"
"Aku kan check in besok jika aku tak mati"

This is the road to ruin
Inilah jalan yang kan runtuh

And we started at the end
Dan kita mulai di ujungnya

Say yeah, let's be alone together
Katakanlah yeah, mari kita sendirian bersama-sama

We could stay young forever
Kita bisa selamanya muda

Scream it from the top of your lungs
Teriakkanlah dari puncak parumu

Say yeah, let's be alone together
Katakanlah yeah, mari kita sendirian bersama-sama

We could stay young forever
Kita bisa selamanya muda

We'll stay young
Kita kan terus muda

Cut me off, I lost my track
Hentikanlah aku, aku tersesat

It's not my fault I'm a maniac
Bukan salahku jika aku maniak

It's not funny anymore, no it's not
Kini tak lagi lucu, tidak

My heart is like a stallion
Hatiku bak kuda jantan

They love it more when it's broken
Mereka lebih menyukainya saat terluka

Do you wanna feel beautiful?
Apakah kau ingin merasa cantik?

Do you wanna?
Apakah kau ingin?

I'm outside the door, invite me in
Aku ada di luar, undanglah aku tuk masuk

So we can go back and play pretend
Agar kita bisa kembali dan main pura-puraan

I'm on deck now, I'm up next
Kini aku di geladak, aku kan terbang

Tonight I'm high as a private jet
Malam ini aku setinggi jet pribadi

Back to I, II, IV, V
Back to II, I

Labels: A, Fall Out Boy, Translation

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