The Corrs tampil secara internasional pada tahun 1996 di Olimpiade Musim Panas, Atlanta, Georgia. Sejak saat itu, mereka telah mengeluarkan lima album studio dan mendapatkan platinum di banyak negara. Talk on Corners, adalah album tersukses mereka, yang mendapatkan multi platinum di Australia dan Kerajaan Inggris.
Berikut album dan singles yang telah mereka hasilkan:
Album: Home (4 Oct 2005)
* My Lagan Love * Spancill Hill * Peggy Gordon * Black is The Colour * Heart Like a Wheel * Buachhaill on Eirne * Old Hag * Moorlough Shore * Old Town * Dimming of The Day * Brid Og Ni Mhaille * Haste to The Wedding
Album: Best of The Corrs
* Everybody Hurts * Make You Mine * Would You Be Happier
Album: Unplugged
* Don't Say You Love Me * Only When I Sleep * Radio
Album: Talk On Corners
* Dreams * Hopelessly Addicted * I Never Loved You Anyway * Intimacy * Little Wing * Love Gives Love Takes * No Good For Me * Queen Of Hollywood * When He's Not Around
Album: Live in Dublin
* Summer Wine
Album: In Blue
* All In A Day * All The Love In The World * At Your Side * Breathless * Give It All Up * Give Me A Reason * Hurt Before * Irresistible * Love in the Milky Way * No More Cry * One Night * Rain * Say * Somebody For Someone
Album: Forgiven Not Forgotten
* Closer * Forgiven Not Forgotten * Heaven Knows * Leave Me Alone
Album: Breathless B-Side
* Head In The Air
Album: Borrowed Heaven
* Angel * Baby Be Brave * Borrowed Heaven * Confidence for Quiet * Even if * Goodbye * Hideaway * Humdrum * Long Night * Miracle * Summer Sunshine * Time Enough for Tears
Album: V
* Deep Enough * Flow * Forever May Not Be Long Enough * Hero Of Love
Album: Unknown
* Runaway * So Young * The Hardest Day * The Right Time * What Can I Do
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