I've lost my faith in everything
Keyakinanku tlah hilang
I couldn't believe in anything
Aku tak percaya lagi pada apapun
Until I put my faith in you
Hingga kupercaya dirimu
Is it a sin, is it a crime
Dosakah, kejahatankah
To worship somebody all of the time?
Tuk memuja seseorang setiap saat?
Anytime, I would do anything for you
Kapan pun, kan kulakukan apapun untukmu
I''ve found my heaven, right here with you
Tlah kutemukan surgaku, di sini bersamamu
Believe in me forever, I believe in you
Percayalah kepadaku selalu, aku percaya padamu
Not just on Sunday, I love you everyday
Bukan hanya pada hari Minggu, aku mencintaimu setiap hari
And I fall to my knees
Dan aku bersimpuh di atas lututku
Everynight I pray since
Tiap malam kuberdoa sejak
You've come and saved me
Kau datang dan selamatkanku
For all eternity
Hingga seterusnya
In the name of the Father and the Son
Atas nama Tuhan Bapa dan Tuhan Anak
You are my religion
Engkaulah agamaku
I wasn't looking for a miracle
Aku tak mencari mukjizat
Didn't think that love was possible
Kupikir cinta takkan mungkin
But your love has made me whole
Tapi cintamu tlah membuatku utuh
And I pray that this will never end
Dan aku berdoa ini takkan pernah berakhir
You are my lover, my best friend
Engkaulah kekasihku, sahabatku
You took me in and saved my soul
Kau rengkuh aku dan selamatkan jiwaku
And forgive me for the things that I have done
Dan maafkanlah aku atas segala yang telah kulakukan
In the name of the father and the Son
Atas nama Tuhan Bapa dan Tuhan Anak
You are my religion
Engkaulah agamaku
Keyakinanku tlah hilang
I couldn't believe in anything
Aku tak percaya lagi pada apapun
Until I put my faith in you
Hingga kupercaya dirimu
Is it a sin, is it a crime
Dosakah, kejahatankah
To worship somebody all of the time?
Tuk memuja seseorang setiap saat?
Anytime, I would do anything for you
Kapan pun, kan kulakukan apapun untukmu
I''ve found my heaven, right here with you
Tlah kutemukan surgaku, di sini bersamamu
Believe in me forever, I believe in you
Percayalah kepadaku selalu, aku percaya padamu
Not just on Sunday, I love you everyday
Bukan hanya pada hari Minggu, aku mencintaimu setiap hari
And I fall to my knees
Dan aku bersimpuh di atas lututku
Everynight I pray since
Tiap malam kuberdoa sejak
You've come and saved me
Kau datang dan selamatkanku
For all eternity
In the name of the Father and the Son
Atas nama Tuhan Bapa dan Tuhan Anak
You are my religion
Engkaulah agamaku
I wasn't looking for a miracle
Aku tak mencari mukjizat
Didn't think that love was possible
Kupikir cinta takkan mungkin
But your love has made me whole
Tapi cintamu tlah membuatku utuh
And I pray that this will never end
Dan aku berdoa ini takkan pernah berakhir
You are my lover, my best friend
Engkaulah kekasihku, sahabatku
You took me in and saved my soul
Kau rengkuh aku dan selamatkan jiwaku
And forgive me for the things that I have done
Dan maafkanlah aku atas segala yang telah kulakukan
In the name of the father and the Son
Atas nama Tuhan Bapa dan Tuhan Anak
You are my religion
Engkaulah agamaku
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