(Diterjemahkan oleh Wawan Eko Yulianto)
Where's my snare?
Mana snare-nya?
I have no snare on my headphones
Kok yang kedengaran cuman bass
There you go
Nah, ini baru betul
Yo yo
Have you ever been hated or discriminated against?
Pernahkah kamu dibenci atau didiskriminasi?
I have, I've been protested and demonstrated against
Aku pernah, aku pernah diprotes didemonstrasi
Picket signs for my wicked rhymes, look at the times
Dengan yel-yel karena syair bejatku. Baca saja di koran
Sick as the mind of the motherfucking kid thats behind
Sekacau pikiran bocah keparat dari masa lalu
All this commotion, emotions run deep as oceans explodin'
Segala depresi emosi ini seperti laut menggelora
Tempers flarin' from parents just blow 'em off and keep goin'
Amarah menyala dari orang tua, biarkanlah biarkan saja
Not takin' nothin' from no one, give 'em hell long as I'm breathin'
Tak akan kudengar kata orang selama nafas masih ada
Keep kickin' ass in the mornin' and takin' names in the evenin'
Aku siap menerjang, mendulang, menyabet bintang-bintang
Leavin' with a taste as sour as vinegar in their mouth
Kubiarkan saja mereka kecut menelan kata-kataku
See they can trigger me, but them never figure me out
Mereka bisa sulut aku, tapi pasti sulit bagi mereka memahamiku
Look at me now, I betcha probably sick of me now, Ain't you mama,
Lihat aku, Ma, pasti kau muak sekarang melihatku, Mama
I 'ma make you look so ridiculous now
Akan kubuat kamu tampak konyol, Mama
Mana snare-nya?
I have no snare on my headphones
Kok yang kedengaran cuman bass
There you go
Nah, ini baru betul
Yo yo
Have you ever been hated or discriminated against?
Pernahkah kamu dibenci atau didiskriminasi?
I have, I've been protested and demonstrated against
Aku pernah, aku pernah diprotes didemonstrasi
Picket signs for my wicked rhymes, look at the times
Dengan yel-yel karena syair bejatku. Baca saja di koran
Sick as the mind of the motherfucking kid thats behind
Sekacau pikiran bocah keparat dari masa lalu
All this commotion, emotions run deep as oceans explodin'
Segala depresi emosi ini seperti laut menggelora
Tempers flarin' from parents just blow 'em off and keep goin'
Amarah menyala dari orang tua, biarkanlah biarkan saja
Not takin' nothin' from no one, give 'em hell long as I'm breathin'
Tak akan kudengar kata orang selama nafas masih ada
Keep kickin' ass in the mornin' and takin' names in the evenin'
Aku siap menerjang, mendulang, menyabet bintang-bintang
Leavin' with a taste as sour as vinegar in their mouth
Kubiarkan saja mereka kecut menelan kata-kataku
See they can trigger me, but them never figure me out
Mereka bisa sulut aku, tapi pasti sulit bagi mereka memahamiku
Look at me now, I betcha probably sick of me now, Ain't you mama,
Lihat aku, Ma, pasti kau muak sekarang melihatku, Mama
I 'ma make you look so ridiculous now
Akan kubuat kamu tampak konyol, Mama
I'm sorry mama
Sori, Mama
I never meant to hurt you
Tak ingin kumelukai
I never meant to make you cry
Tak ingin ku kau menangis
But tonight, I'm cleanin' out my closet - One more time
Aku cuma tak ingin ada rahasia - ayo lagi
I said, I'm sorry mama
Sori, Mama
I never meant to hurt you
Tak ingin kumelukai
I never meant to make you cry
Tak ingin ku kau menangis
But tonight I'm cleanin' out my closet - Ha!
Ini cuma waktunya buang sampah
Sori, Mama
I never meant to hurt you
Tak ingin kumelukai
I never meant to make you cry
Tak ingin ku kau menangis
But tonight, I'm cleanin' out my closet - One more time
Aku cuma tak ingin ada rahasia - ayo lagi
I said, I'm sorry mama
Sori, Mama
I never meant to hurt you
Tak ingin kumelukai
Tak ingin ku kau menangis
But tonight I'm cleanin' out my closet - Ha!
Ini cuma waktunya buang sampah
Ha, I got some skeletons in my closet
Ha! Ada tulang-belulang terkubur dalam hatiku
And I don't know if no one knows it
Dan kutahu tak seorang pun tahu tentang itu
So before they thrown me inside my coffin and close it
So sebelum tubuhku masuk peti yang dipaku
I'ma expose it, I'll take you back to '73
Kuungkap saja; Mari kita ingat tahun 73
Before I ever had a multi-platinum sellin' C.D.
Jauh sebelum kuluncurkan CD laris berjuta-juta
I was a baby, maybe I was just a couple of months
Kumasih bayi, mungkin baru sekian bulan saja
My faggot father must have had his panties up in a bunch
Bapakku yang banci itu mungkin sedang tersinggung
'Coz he split, I wonder if he even kissed me goodbye
Lalu pergi, mungkin tanpa cium pipiku dulu
No, I don't on second thought, I just fuckin' wished he would die
Kalau dipikir-pikir kuharap dia modar saja
I look at Hailie and I couldn't picture leavin' her side
Kulihat Hailie, tak bisa kubayangkan kabur meninggalkannya
Even if I hated Kim, I grit my teeth and I'd try
Meski kubenci ibunya, aku tahan dan kucoba
To make it work with her at least for Hailie's sake
Pertahankan rumah tangga, demi Hailie semata
I maybe made some mistakes but I'm only human
Mungkin aku pernah lakukan kesalahan besar
But I'm man enough to face them today
Tapi ku cuma manusia dan gagah mengakuinya
What I did was stupid, no doubt it was dumb
Yang kulakukan itu bodoh, sungguh lah sangat tolol
But the smartest shit I did was take the bullets outta that gun
Tapi yg paling cerdas dariku adalah ambil pelor pistol itu
'Cuz I'da killed him, shit I woulda shot Kim and them both
Kalau tidak pasti sudah kubunuh dia dan selingkuhannya juga
It's my life, I'd like to welcome y'all to 'The Eminem Show'
Inilah kisahku, selamat menyaksikan "The Eminem Show"
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req eminem - beautiful min :)
ReplyDeletesambunganya manna mind..
ReplyDeletewuih keren min, sampe lagunya Eminem juga ada,,,
request eminem - headlight (ft. nate ruess)
ReplyDeleteHeadlight nya eminem dong
ReplyDeleteLanjutin dong min, sekalian req yg eminem- When i'm gone
ReplyDeleteini ga lengkap banget kak :( sunting dong ^_^
ReplyDeleteSkeleton in closet itu artinya rahasia keluarga
ReplyDeleteAdmin tolong artikan lagunya eminem not afraid dong
ReplyDeleteI like
ReplyDeleteTolong lanjutin terjemahannya.