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She's A Genius | JET

My girl's ready to take control
Gadisku siap memegang kendali

She just blows my mind
Dia baru saja membuatku tercengang

She only listens to the radio
Dia hanya mendengarkan radio

To see who's alive
Tuk mengetahui siapa yang masih terjaga


She wakes up scared of getting old
Dia terbangun dan takut bertambah tua

She don't feel no shame
Dia tak punya rasa malu

She knows so many pretty boys
Dia kenal begitu banyak cowok tampan

And they are all the same
Dan mereka semua sama saja

They said
Mereka bilang

'Oh hey there girl tell me what do you do'
'Oh hai cantik, sedang apa?'

She said
Dia menjawab

'Um nothing but I'm damn sure it's more than you'
'Um tak ada, tapi aku yakin lebih penting darimu'

That girl's a genius
Gadis itu jenius

Whoa oh oh oh oh oh oh
I think she's serious
Kupikir dia serius

Whoa oh oh oh oh oh oh

If what you know is who you are
Jika yang kau tahu adalah siapa dirimu

Then she's everything
Maka dia adalah segalanya

You don't need an education
Kau tak butuh pendidikan

To know what class that you're in
Tuk tahu dimana kelasmu

They said
Mereka bilang

'Oh hey there girl tell me what do you do'
'Oh hai cantik, sedang apa?'

She said
Dia menjawab

'Um nothing but I'm damn sure it's more than you'
'Um tak ada, tapi aku yakin lebih penting darimu'


She said hey there boy
Dia berkata, hai cowok

Come on over and sit
Kemari dan duduklah

Love is when you wanna kiss
Cinta adalah saat kau ingin mencium

And you get bit
Dan kau mendapatkannya


That girl's a genius
Gadis itu jenius

That girl's a genius
Gadis itu jenius

That girl's a genius
Gadis itu jenius

Whoa oh oh oh oh oh oh

Labels: JET, S, Translation

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