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Where We Belong | Westlife

Where We Belong - Westlife | Terjemahan Lirik Lagu Barat

Being interviewed by somebody
Seseorang mewawancarai

In a hotel lobby
Di lobby hotel

She says where do you come from
Berkata bertanya, dari mana asalmu?

Now I'd really like to talk about it
Sekarang sungguh kuingin membicarakannya

But if you write it
Tapi jika kau menulisnya

Please don't get it wrong
Tolong jangan salah paham

Mum said you should always aim high
Ibu bilang gantungkanlah cita-citamu setinggi langit

To a kid with a glint in his eye
Kepada seorang anak yang matanya berkilauan

She would never lie
Dia takkan pernah berdusta

And now we're four years on
Dan kini empat tahun sudah kami lewati

Feels like we've just begun
Serasa baru saja kamu memulai

Never forget this is where we belong
Tak pernah lupa, inilah tempat kami

Everytime that we talk about moving on
Tiap kali kami bicara tentang ketegaran

It turns into a song
Jadilah sebuah lagu

Cause together we're strong (oh we're strong)
Karena saat bersama-sama, kita jadi kuat

Like the place we come from
Seperti tempat asal kami

This is where we belong
Di sinilah tempat kami

Next question
Pertanyaan selanjutnya

I bet I've heard this one before
Pasti aku pernah mendengarnya

No we're not about to stop (no no)
Tidak, kami takkan berhenti

So let me ask you something
Maka biarkan kutanya sesuatu padamu

When we got something this good
Saat kami memiliki sesuatu yang bagus begini

Tell me why would we give up
Katakan padaku mengapa kami harus meninggalkannya

Mum said you should always aim high
Ibu bilang gantungkanlah cita-citamu setinggi langit

To a kid with a glint in his eye
Kepada seorang anak yang matanya berkilauan

She would never lie
Dia takkan pernah berdusta


Last question
Pertanyaan terakhir

Now I've really got to go
Sekarang aku benar-benar harus pergi

Till the next time (next time)
Sampai jumpa lain waktu

yeah yeah


Labels: Translation, W, Westlife

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1 comments on Where We Belong | Westlife

  1. Minn,,, Request Lirik terjemahannya Westlife-Lighthouse, dan lain"nya dong....


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