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The Nights | Avicii

The Nights - Avicii | Terjemahan Lirik Lagu Barat

Hey, once upon a younger year
Hei, dahulu ketika usiaku lebih muda

When all our shadows disappeared
Saat semua bayang kita menghilang

The animals inside came out to play
Binatang-binatang di dalam keluar tuk bermain

Hey, When face to face with all our fears
Hei, saat berhadap-hadapan dengan semua ketakutan kita

Learned our lessons through the tears
Memahami pelajaran kita lewat air mata

Made memories we knew would never fade
Mengukir kenangan yang kita tahu takkan pernah hilang

One day my father he told me
Suatu hari ayahku bilang padaku

Son, don't let this slip away
Nak, jangan sampai kau lupa ini

He took me in his arms, I heard him say
Dia merangkulku, kudengar dia berkata

When you'll get older
Saat kau dewasa kelak

Your wild life would live for younger days
Kehidupan liarmu akan hidup selama masa-masa muda

Think of me if ever you're afraid
Pikirkan aku andai kau takut

He said, one day you'll leave this world behind
Dia bilang, kelak kau kan meninggalkan dunia ini

So live a life you will remember
Maka jalanilah hidup yang akan kau ingat

My father told me when I was just a child
Ayahku bilang padaku saat aku kecil

These are the nights that never die
Inilah malam-malam yang takkan pernah mati

My father told me
Begitulah kata ayahku

When your past starts pouring down
Saat masa lalumu mulai mengguyur

Light a fire they can't put out
Nyalakan api yang tak bisa dipadamkan

Carve their name into the shining stars
Ukir nama mereka ke dalam bintang-bintang yang bersinar

He said go venture far beyond the shores
Dia bilang, pergilah bertualang jauh

Don't forsake this life of yours
Jangan abaikan hidupmu ini

I'll guide you home no matter where you are
Aku kan memandumu pulang tak peduli dimana pun kau berada

One day my father he told me
Suatu hari ayahku bilang padaku

Son, don't let this slip away
Nak, jangan lupakan ini

When I was just a kid, I heard him say
Saat aku masih kecil, kudengar dia berkata

When you'll get older
Saat kau dewasa kelak

Your wild life would live for younger days
Kehidupan liarmu akan hidup selama masa muda

Think of me if ever you're afraid
Pikirkan aku andai kau takut

Back to III

These are the nights that never die
Inilah malam-malam yang tak pernah mati

My father told me
Ayahku bilang padaku

My father told me
Ayahku bilang padaku

Labels: Avicii, T, Translation

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69 comments on The Nights | Avicii

  1. yoooooott...ini lagu kereeeeenn sekaleee..

  2. mantappbb lagunya gan,
    IZIN copas ya broo

  3. lagu yang paling aku suka :)

  4. Videonya apa lagi

  5. Suka pake bnget makna lgu nya,

  6. This song can make me always remember my father, thanks god and avicii...

  7. gan tolong shots imagine dragon dong..

  8. wow...IZIN RE-POST YA BRO!

  9. love this song so much <3
    Thank you father.

  10. meaning nya 100/100 <3

  11. My father was already run away from our family. And I never stop to pray the god, back me to us. by the song, I want to scream that I always behind you....

  12. Lagu ini artinya dalem banget di hati.....keren T^T

  13. Terbaik Lirik nya ! love avicii!!!

  14. Sumpah keren banget ini lagu dan artinya, thank's Avicii

  15. Video klipnya keren, lagunya keren bgt..maknanya ngeeh bgt buat anak muda..bkin hidup bgt lagunya,nada musiknya... Arti dr liriknya mantep bgt...ijin copas ya kak..hehe

  16. lagu sama terjemahannya sama-sama keren.....!!!!!

  17. Replies
    1. Gila keren bnget klo dengerin pkek headfon laguny kyk melayang" di atas otak

  18. Prompt night party anthem...best ever song :)

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. So live a life you will remember and you are one of what I always remember you the rest of my life

  21. 2019 tetap disini

    #Legends never die

  22. Mantep tapi sayangnya, Aviici udh meninggal

  23. Rip you legend in my heart...

  24. mendalam banget artian lagunya Avicii .


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