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Things Don't Always Turn Out That Way | The Calling

Terjemahan Lirik Lagu Things Don't Always Turn Out That Way - The Calling

Well he can't sleep at night
Dia tak bisa pejamkan mata di malam hari

And he can't do what's right
Dan dia tak bisa lakukan hal yang benar

It was all because she came into his life
Semua ini karena gadis itu hadir ke dalam hidupnya

It's a deep obsession, taking up his time
Obsesi yang dalam, yang membuat waktunya habis

She's all that he wants
Hanya gadis itu yang dia inginkan

She's all that he needs
Hanya gadis itu yang dia butuhkan

She's everything he just won't believe
Gadis itu adalah segalanya, dia tak mau percaya

Take away his doubt, turn him inside out
Membawa pergi keraguannya, membuatnya bingung tak karuan

Then she can see what he's been dying to say
Lalu gadis itu bisa melihat apa yang begitu ingin dikatakannya

But things don't always turn out that way
Tapi tak semuanya terjadi begitu

And he must confess
Dan dia harus mengakui

All the impure thoughts of his beautiful temptress
Semua pikiran jorok tentang godaan cantiknya

Although he keeps it all bottled up inside
Meski dia merahasiakannya

Although he keeps it all safe within his mind, oh yeah
Meski dia menutupnya rapat-rapat, oh yeah

Back to II

So wipe that smile off your face
Maka hapuslah senyum itu dari wajahmu

Before it gets too late
Sebelum semuanya terlambat

There's only so much time
Masih ada banyak waktu

For you to make up your mind
Untukmu berubah pikiran

Back to II

Labels: T, The Calling, Translation

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