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Because of You | Kelly Clarkson (2)

I lose my way
Aku kehilangan arah
And it's not too long before you point it out
Dan segera kau menunjukkannya
I cannot cry
Aku tak bisa menangis
Because I know that's weakness in your eyes
Karna kutahu di matamu itu kelemahan
I'm forced to fake
Aku terpaksa berpura-pura
A smile, a laugh everyday of my life
Tersenyum, tertawa tiap hari dalam hidupku
My heart can't possibly break
Hatiku tak mungkin terluka
When it wasn't even whole to start with
Jika awalnya saja sudah tak utuh

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I watched you die
Kusaksikan dirmu mati
I heard you cry every night in your sleep
Kudengar dirimu menangis tiap malam dalam tidurmu
I was so young
Aku masih terlalu muda
You should have known better than to lean on me
Kau harusnya tahu yang lebih baik dari bersandar padaku
You never thought of anyone else
Kau tak pernah memikirkan orang lain
You just saw your pain
Kau hanya melihat lukamu
And now I cry in the middle of the night
Dan kini aku menangis di tengah malam
For the same damn thing
Karena hal yang sama

Because of you
Karna dirimu
I never stray too far from the sidewalk
Aku tak pernah tersesat terlalu jauh dari jalan
Because of you
Karna dirimu
I learned to play on the safe side so I don't get hurtAku belajar bermain di sisi aman hingga aku tak terluka
 Because of you
Karena dirimu
I tried my hardest just to forget everything
Aku bersusah payah tuk lupakan segalanya
Because of you
Karena dirimu
I don't know how to let anyone else in
Aku tak tahu cara biarkan orang lain mengisi hatiku
Because of you
Karena dirimu
I'm ashamed of my life because it's empty
Aku malu akan hidupku karena hampa rasanya
Because of you
Karena dirimu
I am afraid
Aku takut

Because of you

Karena dirimu

Labels: Kelly Clarkson

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37 comments on Because of You | Kelly Clarkson (2)

  1. Siapa bilang gak jelas? Jelas kali...!

  2. Its because of you dad...
    I never feel fallin' love

  3. So heart touching (!_!)


  4. Because of you
    i cry everyday,regret of my damn life

  5. Because of you saiful. I'm afraid to fallin' love again !

  6. Because of you ka fathin fikri i'm afraid

  7. because of you Oseh/? :')

  8. Because of you nicky. I'm afraid to fallin' love again !

  9. Becaused of you, i don't want believe somebody again

  10. minn, ijin re-blog ysh :D
    Sumbernya ditulis kok ;)

  11. Rama...
    Dinda tunggu Rama..
    Jemput Dinda disini sayang..
    Allisa love Naim Tambir

  12. Because of you i'm afraid. Because of you Surya Pandu Putra :"(

  13. Because of you rahman. I don't know how to let anyone else in :(

  14. bagus banget lagunya

  15. Dalem bgt lagunya ��, karena kamu sekarang aku jadi begini

  16. because of you sodikin abdul azis :'(

  17. Duh..pada because of mantan2nya ya..pdhal lagu ini sbenernya for her father loh..hehhe tp so far ttp nyambung sh bwt sang mantann :D

  18. I'm forced to fake
    A smile, a laugh everyday of my life
    My heart can't possibly break
    When it wasn't even whole to start with

    Because Of You Momm...😢

  19. because of you rizky ramadhan :'(

  20. Tonton klipnya kalaian akan mengerti mkna tersimpan dr lagu ini...menyentuh banget....

  21. Because of you abdul wahab :'(
    I don't know how to let anyone else in ��

  22. because of you. Ade

  23. Ini lagu yang diangkat berdasarkan lisah nyata penyanyinya.. aku suka

  24. dari dulu gw kalo nyanyi lagu ini ga pernah bisa selow, teriak&ngeluarin emosi ��


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