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On My Own (Ost. Les Miserables) | Samantha Barks

On My Own (OST. Les Miserables) - Samantha Barks | Terjemahan Lirik Lagu Barat

On my own

Pretending he's beside me
Berpura-pura dia di sisiku

All alone
Seorang diri

I walk with him till morning
Aku berjalan dengannya hingga pagi

Without him

I feel his arms around me
Kurasakan lengannya memelukku

And when I lose my way I close my eyes
Dan saat aku tersesat, kupejamkan mata

And he has found me
Dan dia menemukanku

In the rain the pavement shines like silver
Dalam guyuran hujan, trotoar bersinar laksana perak

All the lights are misty in the river
Semua lampu berkabut di sungai

In the darkness, the trees are full of starlight
Di kegelapan, pepohonan dipenuhi cahaya bintang

And all I see is him and me forever and forever
Dan yang kulihat hanya dia dan aku selamanya

And I know it's only in my mind
Dan kutahu semua ini hanya bayanganku

That I'm talking to myself and not to him
Bahwa aku bicara sendiri tidak bicara dengannya

And although I know that he is blind
Dan meski kutahu dia buta

Still I say, there's a way for us
Masih saja kukatakan, ada jalan untuk kita

I love him
Aku mencintainya

But when the night is over
Tapi ketika pagi menjelang

He is gone
Dia menghilang

The river's just a river
Sungai hanyalah sungai

Without him

The world around me changes
Dunia di sekitarku berubah

The trees are bare and everywhere
Pepohonan gundul dan di setiap tempat

The streets are full of strangers
Jalanan dipenuhi orang asing

I love him
Aku mencintainya

But every day I'm learning
Tapi setiap hari aku belajar

All my life
Sepanjang hidupku

I've only been pretending
Aku hanya berpura-pura

Without me

His world will go on turning
Dunianya kan tetap berputar

A world that's full of happiness
Dunia yang penuh kebahagiaan

That I have never known
Yang tak pernah kukenal

I love him
Aku mencintainya

I love him
Aku mencintainya

I love him
Aku mencintainya

But only on my own
Tapi hanya sendirian

Labels: O, OST, Samantha Barks, Translation

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2 comments on On My Own (Ost. Les Miserables) | Samantha Barks

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