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My Love Is Like A Star | Demi Lovato

The space in between us
Jarak memisahkan kita
Starts to feel like we're worlds apart
Mulai terasa seolah kita ini dunia yang berbeda
Like I'm going crazy
Rasanya aku mulai gila
And you say it's raining in your heart
Dan kau bilang hatimu hujan
You're telling me nobody's there to dry up the flood
Katamu tak ada yang mengeringkan banjir di hatimu
Oh, but that's just crazy
Oh, tapi kedengarannya gila
'Cause baby, I told ya, I'm here for good
Karena kasih, kataku padamu, aku di sini selamanya

My love's like a star, yeah
Cintaku seperti bintang
You can't always see me
Kau tak bisa selalu melihatku
But you know that I'm always there
Tapi kau tahu aku selalu ada
When you see one shining
Saat kau lihat satu bintang
Take it as mine and remember I'm always near
Anggaplah itu bintangku dan ingatlah aku selalu dekat
If you see a comet, baby I'm on it
Jika kau lihat komet, aku bersamanya
Making my way back home
Untuk kembali pulang
Just follow the glow, yeah
Ikutilah pancarannya
It won't be long, just know that you're not alone
Takkan lama, ketahuilah kau tidak sendiri

I try to build the walls to keep you safe
Kucoba membangun dinding tuk membuatmu nyaman
When I'm not around
Saat aku tak di dekatmu
But as soon as I'm away from you
Namun begitu aku jauh darimu
You say they come tumbling down
Kau bilang dinding itu runtuh
But it's not about the time
Tapi bukan soal waktu
That we don't get to spend together
Yang tidak kita habiskan bersama
Oh, it's about how strong our love is
Oh, semua ini soal seberapa kuat cinta kita
When I'm gone and it feels like forever
Saat aku tiada dan terasa seperti selamanya


You say the time away makes your heart grown up
Kau bilang saling berjauhan tlah mendewasakan hatimu
But I can't stay just to prove you wrong
Tapi aku tak bisa terus di sini tuk buktikan kau salah
Oh, look at how far we've come
Oh, lihatlah betapa jauhnya kita
Don't you know, don't you know that you're the one
Tak tahukah kau bahwa engkaulah satu-satunya
Ooh, you're not alone
Ooh, kau tak sendiri
You're not alone, ooh
Kau tak sendiri
You're not alone, ooh
Kau tak sendiri
You're not alone, ooh
Kau tak sendiri
Know that you're not alone
Kau tahu kau tak sendiri
You're not
Kau tak


Labels: Demi Lovato, M, Translation

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