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Smoke On The Water | Deep Purple

We all came out to Montreux
Kita semua beranjak ke Montreux
On a lake Geneva shoreline
Di tepian danau Jenewa
To make records with a mobile
Membuat rekaman dengan ponsel
We didn't have much time
Waktu kita tak banyak
Frank Zappa and the Mothers
Frank Zappa dan the Mothers
Were at the best place around
Berada di tempat terbaik di situ
Till some stupid with a flare gun
Hingga orang-orang bodoh dengan senapan sinyal
He burned the place to the ground
Dia meluluhlantakkan tempat ini
Smoke on the water, and fire in the sky
Asap di atas air, dan api membumbung tinggi
Smoke on the water
Asap di atas air

They burned down the gambling house
Mereka membakar rumah judi
It died with an awful sound
Gedung itu hancur dengan suara mengerikan
Funky Claude was running in and out
Funky Claude keluar masuk
Pulling kids from the ground
Menarik anak-anak dari tanah
When it all was over
Saat semuanya usai
We had to find another place
Kita harus temukan tempat baru
But Swiss time was running out
Tapi saat damai mulai habis
It seemed that we would lose the race
Nampaknya ras kita akan musnah
Smoke on the water, and fire in the sky
Asap di atas air, dan api membumbung tinggi
Smoke on the water
Asap di atas air

We ended up at the Grand Hotel
Akhirnya kita berada di Grand Hotel
It was empty, cold, and bare
Rasanya hampa, dingin, dan hambar
But with the Rolling truck Stones thing just outside
Tapi dengan truk rolling stone di luar
Makin' our music there
Memperdengarkan musik kita
With a few red lights and a few old beds
Dengan sedikit cahaya merah dan sedikit ranjang tua
We made a place to stay
Kita membuat tempat tinggal
No matter what we get out of this
Tak peduli apa yang kita dapatkan dari semua ini
I know, I know we'll never forget
Aku tahu, aku tahu kita takkan pernah lupa
Smoke on the water, and fire in the sky
Asap di atas air, dan api membumbung tinggi
Smoke on the water
Asap di atas air

Labels: Deep Purple, S, Translation

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14 comments on Smoke On The Water | Deep Purple

  1. Ada terjemahan yang kurang pas..it seemed that we would loose the race...nampaknya kita akan kalah langkah

  2. Koq jaman itu sudah ada ponsel ya???

    1. nah itu, sy jg pny pertanyaan sama.tahun 70'an udah ada ponsel ?
      mksudny 'mobile atau mobil ( car ) ??

  3. kok lirik ny beda ama di AZ-Lyric yak :-/

  4. Kayaknya menceritakan tentang perang dunia ke dua ya?

  5. Tentang kebakaran grand hotel saat frank zappa lagi konser

  6. riff gitar awal lagu ini,iconic,the legend deh

  7. Itu tentang make sabu sabu..smoke on the water...wkwkwkwk

  8. lose the race.. kalah dalam perjudian ngak ya


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