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Strawberry Avalanche | Owl City

This is a world of dreams and reverie
Ini adalah dunia impian dan angan-angan

Where I felt the stars explode around me
Dimana kurasakan gemintang meledak di sekitarku

A grass blade flashed with a gleam
Daun rumput berkilatan dengan pancaran cahaya

As it slashed open the moonbeam
Saat ia merobek cahaya bulan

And I stared back breathlessly
Dan aku menatap balik tanpa bernafas

As mountains of fruit tumbled out
Saat gunung buah-buahan runtuh

I barely had the chance to shout
Aku tak punya kesempatan tuk berteriak

A strawberry avalanche crash over me
Longsoran stroberi menimpaku

Staying awake that night was rather hard
Terus terjaga di malam itu agak sulit

Deep in a sleeping bag in your back yard
Di dalam kantong tidur di halaman belakangmu

When we woke up buried alive
Saat kita terbangun terkubur hidup-hidup

Beneath the fruity landslide
Di bawah longsoran buah

We both laughed hysterically
Kita berdua tertawa histeris

It could've been just another dream
Ini mungkin saja hanya mimpi

But I swear I heard you scream
Tapi sungguh aku mendengar kau berteriak

A strawberry avalanche crash over me
Longsoran stroberi menimpaku

Oh, there's a citrus constellation
Oh, itu ada rasi sitrus

In the galaxy
Di galaksi

Stretched on the back of both my eyelids
Terentang di balik kedua pelupuk mataku

That I've been dying to see
Yang selama ini sangat ingin kulihat

If you were a beautiful sound
Andai kau adalah suara yang merdu

In the echoes all around
Di dalam gema di sekeliling

Then I'd be your harmony
Maka aku adalah harmonimu

And we'd sing along with the crowds
Dan kita kan bernyanyi bersama riuh rendah keramaian

Beneath the candy coated clouds
Di bawah awan berselimut permen

A strawberry avalanche, please crash over me
Longsoran stroberi, timpalah aku

This is a world of dreams and reverie
Ini adalah dunia impian dan angan-angan

Where I felt the stars explode around me
Dimana kurasakan gemintang meledak di sekitarku

Labels: Owl City, S, Translation

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3 comments on Strawberry Avalanche | Owl City

  1. request terjemahnya lagu owl city - "butterfly wings" dong. thx :)

  2. request terjemahnya Honey And The Bee dong, terima kasih mimin


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