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Stuck In A Moment You Can't Get Out Of | U2

I'm not afraid
Aku tak takut

Of anything in this world
Pada apapun di dunia ini

There's nothing you can throw at me
Tak ada satu hal pun yang bisa kau ucap padaku

That I haven't already heard
Yang belum pernah kudengar

I'm just tryin' to find
Aku hanya mencoba tuk temukan

A decent melody
Sebuah melodi indah

A song that I can sing
Sebuah lagu yang bisa kunyanyikan

In my own company
Dalam kesendirianku

I never thought you were a fool
Tak pernah terpikir olehku bahwa kau bodoh

But darling, look at you
Tapi kasih, lihatlah dirimu

You gotta stand up straight, carry your own weight
Kau harus berdiri tegak, angkat bebanmu sendiri

'Cause tears are going nowhere, baby
Karena air mata tiada gunanya

You've got to get yourself together
Kau harus bulatkan tekadmu

You've got stuck in a moment
Kau terpaku pada satu peristiwa

And now you can't get out of it
Dan kini kau tak bisa lepas darinya

Don't say that later will be better
Jangan bilang kelak 'kan lebih baik

Now you're stuck in a moment
Kini kau
terpaku pada satu peristiwa
And you can't get out of it
Dan kau tak bisa lepas darinya

I will not forsake
Takkan kusangkal

The colors that you bring
Warna-warna yang kaubawa

The nights you filled with fireworks
Malam-malam yang kau hiasi dengan kembang api

They, they left you with nothing
Semua itu tak sisakanmu apa-apa

I am still enchanted
Aku masih terkesima

By the light you brought to me
Pada cahaya yang kau bawa padaku

I listen through your ears
Kudengar lewat telingaku

Through your eyes I can see
Lewat matamu bisa kulihat

You are such a fool
Kau sungguh bodoh

To worry like you do
Jika terus kuatir

I know it's tough and you can never get enough
Kutahu memang berat dan kau takkan pernah puas

Of what you don't really need now, my, oh my
Dengan apapun yang tak benar-benar kau butuhkan saat ini

You've got to get yourself together
Kau harus bulatkan tekadmu

You've got stuck in a moment
Kau terpaku pada satu peristiwa
And now you can't get out of it
Dan kini kau tak bisa lepas darinya

Oh love, look at you now
Oh kasih, lihat dirimu

You've got yourself stuck in a moment
terpaku pada satu peristiwa
And you can't get out of it
Dan kau tak bisa lepas darinya

I was unconscious, half asleep
Aku tak sadar, setengah tidur

The water is warm 'til you discover how deep
Airnya hangat hingga kau temukan betapa dalam

I wasn't jumping, for me it was a fall
Aku tak melompat, bagiku itu jatuh

It's a long way down to nothing at all
Sungguh jalan panjang pada ketiadaan

You've got to get yourself together
Kau harus bulatkan tekadmu

You've got stuck in a moment
Kau terpaku pada satu peristiwa
And now you can't get out of it
Dan kini kau tak bisa lepas darinya

Don't say that later will be better
Jangan bilang kelak kan lebih baik

Now you're stuck in a moment
Kini k
au terpaku pada satu peristiwa
And you can't get out of it
Dan kau tak bisa lepas darinya

And if the night runs over
Dan andai malam kan berakhir

And if the day won't last
Dan andai siang takkan ada

And if your way should falter
Dan andai jalanmu harus tersandung

Along on this stony pass
Sepanjang jalan berbatu ini

It's just a moment
Itu hanya sementara

This time will pass
Ini kan berlalu

Labels: S, Translation, U2

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4 comments on Stuck In A Moment You Can't Get Out Of | U2

  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. The moment in this song just like the condition where we all in the whole world are trying to get through,covids 19, and we all believe this time Will pass, keep your spirit everybody.


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