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Miss Invisible | Taylor Swift

Miss Invisible - Taylor Swift | Terjemahan Lirik Lagu Barat

There's a girl
Ada seorang gadis

Who sits under the bleachers
Yang duduk di tribun penonton

Just another day eating alone
Esoknya, dia makan seorang diri

And though she smiles
Dan meski dia tersenyum

There is something just hiding
Ada sesuatu yang tersembunyi

And she can't find a way to relate
Dan dia tak bisa temukan cara tuk bercerita

She just goes unnoticed
Dia terus saja sembunyikan diri

As the crowd passes by
Saat kerumunan lewat

And she'll pretend to be busy
Dan dia kan pura-pura sibuk

When inside she just wants to cry
Kala di hati dia ingin menangis

She'll say...
Dia kan berkata...

Take a little look at the life of Miss Always Invisible
Lihatlah kehidupan Nona Senantiasa Tak Terlihat

Look a little harder
Lihatlah lebih seksama

I really really want you to put yourself in her shoes
Aku sungguh ingin kau tempatkan diri di tempatnya

Take another look at the face of Miss Always Invisible
Lihatlah lagi wajahnya Nona Senantiasa Tak Terlihat

Look a little closer
Lihatlah lebih seksama

And maybe then you will see why she waits for the day
Dan mungkin kau kan mengerti mengapa dia menunggu datang hari

When you'll ask her her name
Saat kau tanyakan namanya

The beginning, in the first weeks of class
Awalnya, di minggu-minggu awal

She did everything to try and fit in
Dia mencoba segalanya untuk menyesuaikan diri

But the others they couldn't seem to get past
Tapi teman-temannya, mereka tampak membiarkan

All the things that mismatched on the surface
Segala yang tak sesuai di permukaan

And she would close her eyes when they left
Dan dia kan pejamkan mata saat mereka pergi

And as she fell down the stairs
Dan saat dia jatuh di tangga

And the more that they joked
Dan semakin keras mereka tertawa

And the more that they screamed
Dan semakin keras mereka berteriak

She retreated to where she is now
Dia menarik diri ke tempat kini dia berada

And she'll sing...
Dan dia kan bernyanyi....

Back to II

Then one day, just the same as the last
Lalu suatu hari, sama seperti kemarin

Just, the day's been in counting the time
Hanya saja, hari masih menghitung waktu

Came a boy, that sat under the bleachers
Datanglah seorang pria, yang duduk di tribun penonton

Just a little bit further behind...
Tak jauh di belakangnya

Labels: M, Taylor Swift, Translation

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