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You Are In Love | Taylor Swift

You Are In Love - Taylor Swift | Terjemahan Lirik Lagu Barat

One look, dark room meant just for you
Sekali tatap, kamar gelap diperuntukkan bagimu

Time moved too fast, you play it back
Waktu bergerak terlalu cepat, kau putar kembali

Buttons on a coat, lighthearted joke
Kancing-kancing di mantel, lelucon yang menyenangkan

No proof not much
Tak ada bukti, tak banyak

But you saw enough
Tapi kau cukup melihat

Small talk, he drives
Berbincang santai, dia menyetir

Coffee at midnight
Kopi di tengah malam

Moonlight reflect the chain on your neck
Cahaya bulan pantulkan rantai di lehermu

He says "Look up" and your shoulders brush
Dia bilang "Lihatlah ke atas" dan bahu kalian saling menempel

No proof one touch and you felt enough
Tak ada bukti satu sentuhan dan kau merasa cukup

You can hear it in the silence, silence you
Kau bisa mendengarnya dalam keheningan, keheningan

You feel it on the way home, way home you
Kau bisa merasakannya di perjalanan pulang, perjalanan pulang

You can see it with the lights out, lights out
Kau bisa melihatnya saat lampu padam, lampu padam

You're in love
Kau jatuh cinta

True love
Cinta sejati

You are in love
Kau jatuh cinta

Morning, his place, burnt toast, Sunday
Pagi, tempatnya, memanggang roti, Minggu

You keep his shirt, he keeps his word
Kau simpan bajunya, dia menepati janjinya

For once you let go of your fears and your ghosts
Sekali ini, kau lepaskan rasa takut dan hantumu

One step, not much but it said enough
Satu langkah, tak banyak tapi jelas artinya

You kiss on side walks, you fight, and you talk
Kalian berciuman di trotoar, kalian bertengkar, dan kalian bicara

One night he wakes, strange look on his face
Suatu malam dia bangun, tatapannya aneh

Pauses, then says "You're my best friend."
Diam sejenak, lalu berkata, "Kau sahabatku."

And you knew what it was, he is in love
Dan kau tahu apa itu, dia jatuh cinta

And so it goes you two are dancing in the snowglobe round and round
Dan terjadilah, kalian berdua berdansa kota musik bola salju

And he keeps a picture of you in his office downtown
Dan dia menyimpan fotomu di kantornya

And you understand now why they lost their minds and fought the wars
Dan kini kau mengerti mengapa orang-orang hilang akal dan berperang

And why I spent my whole life trying to put it into words
Dan mengapa kuhabiskan seumur hidupku mencoba tuk mengungkapkannya dalam kata-kata

Back to II (3x)

Labels: Taylor Swift, Translation, Y

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8 comments on You Are In Love | Taylor Swift

  1. Lagunya enak, yang nyanyi cantik, suaranya oke, dan gak ada yang kuran sama sekali

  2. gue rasa lagunya untuk harry styles :')

  3. Buat harry deh kayanya:"")

  4. Kata siapa buat Harry?? Buat gue nih lagu :D

  5. You're my best friend and you knew what it was, he is in love :')

  6. Blh percaya or gak, Ada rumor dari sana bilang lagu ini ditulis pas haylor still together, means haylor wrote this romantic song<3


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