Terjemahan Lirik Lagu Fair - Remy Zero
Hey, are you lonely?
Hai, apakah kau kesepian?
Has summer gone so slowly?
Apakah musim panas tlah pergi pelan-pelan?
We found the ground
Kita temukan tempatnya
And that damage was done
Dan kerusakan tlah diperbaiki
It's cold as you fade into the sun
Dingin rasanya saat kau memudar ke dalam matahari
Where'd you go? To me?
Kemana kau pergi? Padaku?
But you're alive!
Tapi kau hidup!
Well, it's only
Yah, ini hanyalah
Fallen frames, they told me
Bingkai yang jatuh, begitu kata mereka
You stand out, it's so loud
Kau berbeda, suara ini begitu keras
And so what if it is?
Lalu, bagaimana jika memang begitu?
It's cold as you face into the wind
Dingin rasanya saat kau hadapkan wajah ke angin
Where'd it go to? Tonight the sun shall see its light
Kemana ini menuju? Malam ini mentari akan melihat sinarnya
So what if you catch me
Bagaimana jika kau meraihku
Where would we land?
Dimana kita akan mendarat?
In somebody's life
Di kehidupan seseorang
For taking his hands
Untuk meraih tangannya
Sing to me hope as she's
Thrown on the sand
Terlempar di atas pasir
All of our work
Semua jerih payah kita
Is rated again
Dinilai lagi
Where to go?
And you were somehow the rain this thing could allow
Dan entah bagaimana kau adalah hujan yang diperbolehkan
I tried but it's all wrong
Tlah kucoba tapi semua salah
You're so strong
Kau begitu kuat
And this life and work
Dan hidup, jerih payah
And choice took far too long
Serta pilihan ini butuh waktu terlalu lama
Where'd it go? Tonight the sun shall see its light
Kemana ini menuju? Malam ini mentari akan melihat sinarnya
Back to III
When I was sure you'd follow through
Saat aku yakin kau akan tepati janji
My world was turned to blue so thin
Duniaku berubah jadi murung
When you'd hide your songs would die
Saat kau hendak sembunyi lagu-lagumu akan mati
So I'd hide yours with mine
Maka kan kusembunyikan lagu-lagu bersama laguku
And all my words were bound to fail
Dan semua kata-kataku pasti gagal
I know you won't fail
Aku tahu kau takkan gagal
See, I can tell
Lihat, aku tahu
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