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Shadows | It's Different feat. Miss Mary

Terjemahan Lirik Lagu Shadows - It's Different feat. Miss Mary

Run free and dive into the sky
Berlarilah bebas dan selamilah langit

Hear the wind crying out it's prayer
Dengarlah angin teriakkan doanya

Why are we so ashamed to be alive?
Mengapa kita begitu malu hidup?

Break the chains and the freedom's ours to take
Putuskan rantainya dan kebebasan kan jadi milik kita

Going harder
Berusaha lebih keras

We are more than numbers
Kita bukan sekedar angka

Standing in their shade
Yang berdiri di bayang-bayang mereka

Going louder
Berteriak lebih keras

We are all one color
Kita semua satu warna

Standing in their way
Yang menghalangi mereka

Don't look behind your back
Jangan menoleh ke belakang

Chase the light when the world is getting darker
Kejarlah cahaya saat dunia semakin gelap

I have a dream where love's the only side
Aku punya mimpi dimana sisinya hanya cinta

So take my hand, join the army of the shadows
Maka raihlah tanganku, bergabunglah dengan pasukan bayang-bayang

Back to III

Join the army of the shadows
Bergabunglah dengan pasukan bayang-bayang

Join the army of the shadows
Bergabunglah dengan pasukan bayang-bayang

Join the army of the shodows
Bergabunglah dengan pasukan bayang-bayang



Join the army of the shadows
Bergabunglah dengan pasukan bayang-bayang

Join the army of the shadows
Bergabunglah dengan pasukan bayang-bayang

Back to III

Labels: It's Different, Miss Mary, S, Translation

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