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Wkwk Land | Weird Genius feat. Chandra Liow

Terjemahan Lirik Lagu Wkwk Land - Weird Genius feat. Chandra Liow

Wkwk land, beautiful country
Negeri wkwkw, negeri yang indah

Wkwk land, no need to worry
Negeri wkwk, tak perlu kuatir

Wkwk land, I'm your guide tonight
Negeri wkwk, malam ini aku jadi pemandumu

Don't expect, I'm gonna make you ride
Jangan harap, aku akan membuat kalian menikmati

We call it Indonesia, but they call us wkwk land
Kami menyebutnya Indonesia, tapi mereka menyebut kami negeri wkwk

We always laugh with wkwk, that's why we are wkwk land
Kami selalu tertawa dengan wkwkw, itulah mengapa kami negeri wkwk

You know om telolet, tow missle horn from wkwk land
Kau tahu om telolet, klakson bising dari negeri wkwk

Of course because we spam your DJs, we are wkwk land
Tentu saja, karena kami menyepam DJ kalian, kami adalah negeri wkwk

We have komodo, we ride and fly on it
Kami punya komodo, kami naik dan terbang dengannya

We boiled the puppet and we cry over it
Kami merebus boneka dan menangisinya

Our TV show? Please you don't ask for it
Acara TV kami? Jangan tanya deh

You made a robot? Hey, what's your religion? Stop it!
Kalian membuat robot? Hei, apa agamamu? Hentikan!

We have komodo, we ride and fly on it
Kami punya komodo, kami naik dan terbang dengannya

We boiled the puppet and we cry over it
Kami merebus boneka dan kami menangisinya

Our TV show? Please you don't ask for it
Acara TV kami? Jangan tanya deh

Yo this my country, welcome to wkwk wkwk land
Yo inilah negaraku, selamat datang di negeri wkwk wkwk

Wkwk wkwk wkwk land
Negeri wkwk wkwk wkwk

Wkwk wkwk wkwk land
Negeri wkwk wkwk wkwk

We love Rich Chigga, the rapper with the best flow
Kami suka Rich Chigga, penyanyi rap yang punya aliran terbaik

Only the rapper that I listen to, he's from Jakarta how
Satu-satunya rapper yang kudengarkan, dia dari Jakarta

I don't care if you got medals even it's silver and gold
Aku tak peduli apakah kau dapat medali meski perak atau emas

Just go back to your country, take your ship and don't comeback bro
Kembali saja ke negaramu, naik kapal dan jangan kembali

Yeah, okay
Gua bukan rapper, but but but listen
Gua bukan rapper, tapi dengarkan

Kids jaman now I'll be, damn they are wow
Aku akan jadi Kids jaman now, mereka sungguh wow

Growing up too soon, what you know Spacetoon
Dewasa terlalu cepat, apa yang kau tahu Spacetoon

Playing no balloon freakin out laws
Papi mami papi mami, happy anniversary
Papi mami papi mami, selamat hari jadian

It's only been one month, what the hell is going on (norak)
Baru saja sebulan, apa sih yang sedang terjadi

Kids jaman now, it doesn't seem fair somehow
Kids jaman now, sungguh tak adil

Born in iPhone generation not like us, desperation
Lahir di generasi iPhone tidak seperti kami, putus asa

Stay in school, don't be fool
Teruslah sekolah, jadilah orang pintar

Whis world is cruel and just be cool, oh break the rules!
Dunia ini kejam dan jadilah orang keren, oh tabraklah aturan!

Leave your motherland welcome to wkwk wkwk land
Tinggalkan tanah airmu, selamat datang di negeri wkwk wkwk

We have komodo, we ride and fly on it
Kami punya komodo, kami naik dan terbang dengannya

We boiled the puppet and we cry over it
Kami merebus boneka dan menangisinya

Our TV show? Please you don't ask for it
Acara TV kami? Jangan tanya deh

You made a robot? Hey, what's your religion? Stop it!
Kalian membuat robot? Hei, apa agamamu? Hentikan!

We have komodo, we ride and fly on it
Kami punya komodo, kami naik dan terbang dengannya

We boiled the puppet and we cry over it
Kami merebus boneka dan kami menangisinya

Our TV show? Please you don't ask for it
Acara TV kami? Jangan tanya deh

I'm proud of my country baby! Wkwk wkwk land
Aku bangga dengan negaraku! Negeri wkwk wkwk

Wkwk wkwk wkwk land
Negeri wkwk wkwk wkwk

Wkwk wkwk wkwk land
Negeri wkwk wkwk wkwk

Labels: Chandra Liow, Translation, W, Weird Genius

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