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Only The Young | Taylor Swift

It keeps me awake, the look on your face
Aku tak bisa pejamkan mata gara-gara raut wajahmu
The moment you heard the news
Saat kau mendengar kabar itu
You're screaming inside and frozen in time
Hatimu menjerit dan sejenak membeku
You did all that you could do
Kau lakukan apapun yang bisa kau lakukan
The game was rigged, the ref got tricked
Permainannya dicurangi, wasitnya tertipu
The wrong ones think they’re right
Yang salah merasa benar
You were outnumbered this time
Kali ini kau kalah jumlah

But only the young, only the young
Tapi hanya anak muda
Only the young, only the young
Hanya anak muda
Can run
Yang bisa berlari
Can run
Yang bisa berlari
So run, and run, and run
Maka larilah, dan terus berlari

So every day now
Kini setiap hari
You brace for the sound you've only heard on TV
Peganganmu adalah suata yang hanya kau dengar di TV
You go to class, scared
Kau masuk kelas, ketakutan
Wondering where the best hiding spot would be
Bertanya-tanya dimana gerangan tempat sembunyi terbaik
And the big bad man and his big bad clan
Dan orang jahat bertubuh besar serta geng jahatnya
Their hands are stained with red
Tangan mereka berlumur darah
Oh, how quickly they forget
Oh, betapa cepatnya mereka lupa

They aren't gonna help us
Mereka takkan membantu kita
Too busy helping themselves
Terlalu sibuk urusi diri mereka sendiri
They aren't gonna change this
Mereka takkan mengubah keadaan ini
We gotta do it ourselves
Kita sendiri yang harus mengubahnya
They think that it's over
Mereka kira ini sudah selesai
But it's just begun
Nyatanya baru dimulai

Only one thing can save us
Hanya satu hal yang bisa menyelamatkan kita
Only the young (Only the young)
Hanya anak muda
Only the young (Only the young)
Hanya anak muda
Only the young (Only the young)
Hanya anak muda
Only the young
Hanya anak muda
Only the young (Only the young)
Hanya anak muda
Only the young (Only the young)
Hanya anak muda
Only the young (Only the young)
Hanya anak muda
Only the young
Hanya anak muda
Only the young (Only the young)
Hanya anak muda
Don't say you're too tired to fight
Jangan bilang kau terlalu capek untuk berjuang
Only the young (Only the young)
Hanya anak muda
It's just a matter of time
Hanya soal waktu
Only the young (Only the young) 
Hanya anak muda
Up there's the finish line
Di depan sana garis finish
Only the young
Hanya anak muda
Can run
Yang bisa berlari

Don't say you're too tired to fight
Jangan bilang kau terlalu lelah untuk berjuang
It's just a matter of time (Can run)
Hanya soal waktu
Up there's the finish line 
Di depan sana garis finish
(So run, and run, and run)
(Maka larilah dan terus berlari)
Don't say you're too tired to fight
Jangan bilang kau terlalu lelah tuk berjuang
It's just a matter of time
Ini hanya soal waktu
So run
Maka berlarilah
Up there's the finish line 
Di depan sana garis finish
(And run, and run, and run)
(Berlarilah, dan terus berlari)

Only the young
Hanya anak muda
Only the young
Hanya anak muda
Only the young
Hanya anak muda

Labels: O, Taylor Swift, Translation

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14 comments on Only The Young | Taylor Swift

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