Gray November
November kelabu
I've been down since July
Aku bersedih sejak Juli
Motion capture
Tangkapan gerak
Put me in a bad light
Menempatkanku pada cahaya yang buruk
I replay my footsteps on each stepping stone
Kuputar ulang langkah kakiku di tiap pijakan
Trying to find the one where I went wrong
Tuk temukan di pijakan mana kulakukan kesalahan
Writing letters
Menulis surat
Addressed to the fire
Kutujukan pada api
And I was catching my breath
Dan kutarik nafas
Staring out an open window
Sambil menerawang di jendela terbuka
Catching my death
And I couldn't be sure
Dan aku tak yakin
I had a feeling so peculiar
Ada perasaan yang sangat aneh
That this pain would be for
Bahwa rasa sakit ini akan
Hey December
Hai Desember
Guess I'm feeling unmoored
Kurasa aku tak nyaman
Can't remember
Tak ingat
What I used to fight for
Apa yang dulu kuperjuangkan
I rewind the tape but all it does is pause
Kuputar ke belakang rekamannya, tapi yang terjadi hanya jeda
On the very moment all was lost
Di saat itu, semuanya hilang
Sending signals
Mengirim sinyal
To be double crossed
And I was catching my breath
Dan kutarik nafas
Barefoot in the wildest winter
Telanjang kaki di musim dingin terganas
Catching my death
And I couldn't be sure
Dan aku tak yakin
I had a feeling so peculiar
Ada perasaan yang sangat aneh
That this pain would be for
Bahwa rasa sakit ini akan
Can't not think of all the cost
Tak terpikirkan harga yang harua dibayar
And the things that will be lost
Dan semua yang akan hilang
Oh, can we just get a pause?
Oh, bisakah kita berhenti sebentar?
To be certain we'll be tall again
Agar kita yakin akan percaya diri lagi
Whether weather be the frost
Entah saat cuaca bersalju
Or the violence of the dog days
Atau ketika cuaca panas menyengat
I'm on waves, out being tossed
Aku di atas ombak, terombang ambing
Is there a line that I could just go cross?
Adakah batas yang bisa kulintasi?
And when I was shipwrecked (Can't think of all the cost)
Dan saat aku terdampar (Tak terpikirkan harga yang harus dibayar)
I thought of you (All the things that will be lost now)
Aku memikirkanmu (Semua yang akan hilang)
In the cracks of light (Can we just get a pause?)
Saat pagi menjelang (Bisakah kita berhenti sebentar?)
I dreamed of you (To be certain we'll be tall again)
Aku memimpikanmu (Agar yakin kita kan percaya diri lagi)
(If you think of all the costs)
(Jika kau pikirkan harga yang harus dibayar)
It was real enough (Whether weather be the frost)
Cukup nyata (Entah cuacanya bersalju)
To get me through (Or the violence of the dog days)
Agar aku bisa melewatinya (Atau cuaca panas menyengat)
(Out on waves being tossed)
(Di atas gelombang terombang-ambing)
I swear (Is there a line that we could just go cross?)
Sumpah (Adakah batas yang bisa kulintasi?)
You were there
Kau ada di situ
And I was catching my breath
Dan kutarik nafas
Floors of a cabin creaking under my step
Lantai kabin retak di bawah kakiku
And I couldn't be sure
Dan aku tak yakin
I had a feeling so peculiar
Ada perasaan yang sangat aneh
This pain wouldn't be for
Rasa sakit ini akan
This pain wouldn't be for evermore
Rasa sakit ini akan abadi
November kelabu
I've been down since July
Aku bersedih sejak Juli
Motion capture
Tangkapan gerak
Put me in a bad light
Menempatkanku pada cahaya yang buruk
I replay my footsteps on each stepping stone
Kuputar ulang langkah kakiku di tiap pijakan
Trying to find the one where I went wrong
Tuk temukan di pijakan mana kulakukan kesalahan
Writing letters
Menulis surat
Addressed to the fire
Kutujukan pada api
And I was catching my breath
Dan kutarik nafas
Staring out an open window
Sambil menerawang di jendela terbuka
Catching my death
And I couldn't be sure
Dan aku tak yakin
I had a feeling so peculiar
Ada perasaan yang sangat aneh
That this pain would be for
Bahwa rasa sakit ini akan
Hey December
Hai Desember
Guess I'm feeling unmoored
Kurasa aku tak nyaman
Can't remember
Tak ingat
What I used to fight for
Apa yang dulu kuperjuangkan
I rewind the tape but all it does is pause
Kuputar ke belakang rekamannya, tapi yang terjadi hanya jeda
On the very moment all was lost
Di saat itu, semuanya hilang
Sending signals
Mengirim sinyal
To be double crossed
And I was catching my breath
Dan kutarik nafas
Barefoot in the wildest winter
Telanjang kaki di musim dingin terganas
Catching my death
And I couldn't be sure
Dan aku tak yakin
I had a feeling so peculiar
Ada perasaan yang sangat aneh
That this pain would be for
Bahwa rasa sakit ini akan
Can't not think of all the cost
Tak terpikirkan harga yang harua dibayar
And the things that will be lost
Dan semua yang akan hilang
Oh, can we just get a pause?
Oh, bisakah kita berhenti sebentar?
To be certain we'll be tall again
Agar kita yakin akan percaya diri lagi
Whether weather be the frost
Entah saat cuaca bersalju
Or the violence of the dog days
Atau ketika cuaca panas menyengat
I'm on waves, out being tossed
Aku di atas ombak, terombang ambing
Is there a line that I could just go cross?
Adakah batas yang bisa kulintasi?
And when I was shipwrecked (Can't think of all the cost)
Dan saat aku terdampar (Tak terpikirkan harga yang harus dibayar)
I thought of you (All the things that will be lost now)
Aku memikirkanmu (Semua yang akan hilang)
In the cracks of light (Can we just get a pause?)
Saat pagi menjelang (Bisakah kita berhenti sebentar?)
I dreamed of you (To be certain we'll be tall again)
Aku memimpikanmu (Agar yakin kita kan percaya diri lagi)
(If you think of all the costs)
(Jika kau pikirkan harga yang harus dibayar)
It was real enough (Whether weather be the frost)
Cukup nyata (Entah cuacanya bersalju)
To get me through (Or the violence of the dog days)
Agar aku bisa melewatinya (Atau cuaca panas menyengat)
(Out on waves being tossed)
(Di atas gelombang terombang-ambing)
I swear (Is there a line that we could just go cross?)
Sumpah (Adakah batas yang bisa kulintasi?)
You were there
Kau ada di situ
And I was catching my breath
Dan kutarik nafas
Floors of a cabin creaking under my step
Lantai kabin retak di bawah kakiku
And I couldn't be sure
Dan aku tak yakin
I had a feeling so peculiar
Ada perasaan yang sangat aneh
This pain wouldn't be for
Rasa sakit ini akan
This pain wouldn't be for evermore
Rasa sakit ini akan abadi
Taylor Swift,
Thanks for reading Evermore | Taylor Swift feat. Bon Iver. Please share...!
Makasih min terjemahannya, this is one of my favourite song ^^
ReplyDeleteUntuk selanjutnya terjemahin lagu Lee Brice - Memory I Don't Mess With yaa min :D
Semangat dan sukses terus min
Ooooyy,, apa an ini